
Natural & authentic herbs use in each Islahi Wellness product that make us unique.

Our products have been successful in helping millions of people cope and get better, naturally. Islahi Wellness Products has been licensed and approved by Drug Licensing Authority, Directorate of Indian Systems of Medicine and Unanipathy the nodal department of the Government of India.

+91- 996 75 52 866

C7 Dawrika Puri Bldg.,
LBS Marg, Kurla West,
Mumbai 400070

    Upload Last Prescribed (if more than one Page)

    1. The picture or scan is such that the entire prescription is visible (including the doctor/clinic’s letterhead).
    2. The picture is taken in a way that the handwriting/type is visible clearly.
    3. The picture file size should not exceed 5 MB.
    4. The picture of prescription is valid.*
    5. You can upload a total of 2 prescriptions per order.
    6. Please be sure to also upload the back-side or last prescribed image of your prescription, if present.

    * Your family member or a caregiver can place order for prescription medicines on your behalf.


    Alternatively, you can send us a picture or scan of your prescription by email.
    Please remember to quote your order ID on the top of your digital prescription, if you have already placed your order without submitting your prescription.
    Once you have uploaded your prescription, we will email you to confirm the receipt of your prescription.